It started out as a typical day - Audrey is teething, so she had been up it felt like every 20 minutes last night, and she woke up for good at 4:30 am. After some grumbling on both of our parts and a valiant attempt to put her back to sleep by Paul (he had her all the way asleep in his arms but she woke up as soon as her head touched the crib mattress), we got up. It was only 5:30, too early to even go get a bagel. So, we did what any sane, sleep-deprived parents and baby might do...ate a banana apiece (even Audrey had a bite of mine, a big concession since she dislikes bananas) and walked to the playground.
I've been going to the playground with Audrey in the morning after breakfast, and it's nice at 7:30 am or so - still cool, hardly anyone there, so I wanted to show Paul her new playground skills. So the three of us walked up stairs, slid down slides, and Audrey showed Paul her "crawling-through-the-tunnel" abilities - truly an independent skill since the tunnel is too small for mommy or daddy to fit through...
After playtime, we came back to the house and Audrey went down for a nap (playing with mom AND dad is exhausting!) and Paul made me vanilla and cinnamon waffles with berries and powdered sugar. After eating two and reading the front page of the paper, we decided to go back to sleep. As I write this, Paul and Audrey are both still sleeping - Audrey's going on 2 1/2 hours, Paul on 2...I was able to get back to sleep for about 20 minutes, but then I was up. I'm trying not to do anything chore-like (wash dishes, fold laundry, etc.) because I figure, as the Family Circus cartoon so aptly pointed out this morning, how many chances do I have NOT to do those things?) Anyway, despite the veneer of tiredness, a nice mother's day so far!